On my Windows machine, I’ve created a vault named “OneDrive”, located at E:\OneDrive.
So, under my E:\OneDrive folder, I see:
- d (folder)
- masterkey.cryptomator
- Personal Vault (put there by OneDrive, can’t seem to delete it)
- vault.cryptonator
and I’ve set up my OneDrive app in Windows so that E:\OneDrive is my OneDrive source.
In my Android app, I connect to my OneDrive account, and select that account in the “Choose a Location” screen.
I am shown the exact same files as exist in my Window’s E:\OneDrive folder and OneDrive online.
It asks me to “Select masterkey file”, and I choose the masterkey.cryptomater file that’s displayed, and I get the NOT AT ALL CONFUSING! message that the Vault is the root folder, and tells me to “select at least the parent of this vault folder as the root directory”. Huh?
There is no parent folder. Am I supposed to create a parent folder that everything goes under? If so, that would have been nice to mention in the docs of setting up a vault (or did I just miss it).
FYI, I read the forum post on what to do and it was as clear as mud, unfortunately.