
The Cryptomator Community is a forum for users to help each other protecting their privacy.

The following notice describes how data about you is collected and used when you use the Cryptomator Community.


The Cryptomator Community is provided by the Skymatic GmbH:

Skymatic GmbH
Am Hauptbahnhof 6
53111 Bonn
Managing partners: Tobias Hagemann, Sebastian Stenzel
Contact: support [at] cryptomator [dot] org

Which and how data is collected and used

When using the Cryptomator Community, data about your usage of the forum is collected as follows:

When you use an account, the information you enter during registration and on your profile page is collected. The e-mail address you provide is used during account setup and management and for notifications you may configure.

We collect the contents of posts and messages you create and like, to make them available to the respective users. Information about other activity in the forum, e.g. bookmarked posts, are collected as well but not made available to others.

In addition usage information about the visited pages and navigation inside the forum is collected. This is done by using cookies and other information received in the HTTP requests send by your browser. The usage information of all users is aggregated into statistics to allow further analysis of the usage patterns. This data does no longer allow to identify you personally.

How you can view, change and delete the data

You can view the data about you from within your users page in the Activity tab. This page also allows to trigger an export of your posts and activity.

You may edit and remove profile information using the Preferences tab. You may change and delete your posts using the edit and delete functions below each post.

In addition administrators may anonymize your account. This is done by removing all personal data from your account and locking it afterwards. To not break existing conversations, existing, public posts remain in the forum but are no longer associated with you. In special cases administrators may do additional, fine grained deletions of specific data, like specific posts, edit history and such.

How data is shared with others

The Cryptomator Community is a public forum and as such, the posts and information from your profile are made available to other users and visitors. In addition the posts are made available to crawlers, to allow that they can be found through search engines. Private messages you send are only made available to the recipients.

If you choose to do so, you can use existing accounts from Google, Facebook, Twitter or GitHub, to register and login into the Cryptomator Community. When doing so, login requests are forwarded to the operator of the service in use. For such logins, the privacy policy of the respective service operator applies.

How data is stored

The data is stored in datacenters located in Amsterdam, operated by ONLINE SAS.

How changes of this policy are published

This privacy policy was last updated at June 6, 2018.

When we change this privacy policy updates are always published here. Please refer to Privacy - Cryptomator Community for the current version.