Tresor erstellen - Google Drive nicht möglich

Wenn ich versuche einen neuen Tresor in Google Drive (nach Speicherort suchen; GD wird mir nicht sofort angezeigt wie z.B. OneDrive) zu erstellen, stürzt die App ab und schließt sich.

Wie kann ich das Problem beheben?

Hi. Bitte einmal im Logfile nach WARN oder ERROR Meldungen suchen und hier posten.

Pardon if my German is not perfect. I am using Google Translate.
Verzeihung, wenn mein Deutsch nicht perfekt ist. Ich nutze Google Translate.

Welche Software verwenden Sie, um eine Verbindung zum Google Drive unter Windows herzustellen? Ich benutze Google Desktop.

Google Drive Desktop for Windows

Hi. Can you please open the log file and search for any WARN or ERROR Messages? With your description only it’s hard to find a reason for your issue.

Ich habe nachgeschaut und weder WARN noch ERROR gefunden. Soll ich einmal den gesamten Logfile posten?

No worries. I will write in English from now on.
I am currently using the Google Drive Desktop version.

If Cryptomator crashes, you need to enable crash logs in order to get more information about the cause. The following post describes how you can do it:

Note, that you need to replace “hyp” by your user name.

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To aid in my troubleshooting knowledge is this level of error logging different or more comprehensive than enabling debug logging in settings?


Lets see what @infeo can see in the crash log.

By the way, in Preferences/Virtual Drive, what have you chosen? I use WinFsp (local drive). I also have winfsp installed in Windows. I had it installed prior to installing Cryptomator. Cryptomator might install it also, Pretty sure. Don’t know what version.


Where do I have to save the text editor file?

It looks like you can put the error log file wherever you want so long as you specify that path properly in that additional line:


Then, you send that file to @infeo via Personal Message, or email to

Unfortunately, that did not work for me.

I added the line in C:\Program Files\Cryptomator\app\Cryptomator.cfg, then saved it in documents because I wasn’t allowed to save it in the Cryptomator folder in the explorer.

After that I brought the app to crash but the log file (cryptomator0) still didn’t include ERROR or WARNING.

When I open C:\Program Files\Cryptomator\app\Cryptomator.cfg again, the added line does not appear.

Two options:

  1. Run notepad.exe as “administrator” Then open the config file and you will be able to save the file. Very simple! In the windows search box in the taskbar type in notepad and then right click on the notepad app and choose to run it as administrator or you can open the command prompt as administrator and then run notepad from within that window and it will grant administrator rights to notepad.

  2. Sounds like you need to grant users permission to that folder or just the file works too. I initially could not edit and save the file either I needed to right click go to properties then security and grant users full control over the file. You’ll be able to save the changes to the file.

That’s why your config file does not have the information in it that it needs to collect the data that you need.

Try that.

You have to save it in the original location.If that is not possible, do the following:

  1. Open the path %localappdata%\Cryptomator in the Windows Explorer: Open the Explorer, click in the yellow marked bar and type the above path

  2. Copy the file C:\Program Files\Cryptomator\app\Cryptomator.cfg to this location

  3. Open the file with a text editor and under [JavaOptions], add the following line:
    You need to replace USERNAME with the user account name on your computer.

  4. Restart Cryptomator

  5. Provoke the crash and send the log files.

  6. Delete the file copied file again