Thank you all for reporting this issue. I must admit that we were very confused by this, because, as others have mentioned, we weren’t able to reproduce it… until recently.
We believe we’ve finally found the cause of this error and are working as fast as possible on an update. Thank you for your patience.
I installed Cryptomator 2.6.0 and now I don’t get an error, but the file is marked as “waiting” forever. I can open it on the phone and it does show up on a different device (Windows pc), but the status on the originating iPhone doesn’t get updated.
I remove the vault and re-add it and now the status is corrected. But if I delete the file on the iPhone, it is not deleted as seen on other devices until I remove the vault from the list and re-add it again on the iPhone.
Cryptomator 2.6.0 installed, iOS 17.6.1, 15 pro max. Unfortunately, I still have the same problem. Uploading files to dropbox on the iPhone is not possible or takes an eternity. Deleting files that were created on another device also doesn’t seem to work. Please fix the problem soon.
Updated Cryptomator from 2.5.2 to 2.6.0
Opened “my files” > Cryptomator Vault XY > Add a new Folder → Folder was created but marked with “Arrow up, waiting …”, not visible on a different device (Windows PC)
Turned my iPhone off and on
Again the same
Removed the vault from “my files”
Removed the vault from Cryptomator App
Removed Cryptomator App
Reinstalled Cryptomator App
Added existing vault on one drive
Unlocked Authenticator
Choose Microsoft Entra ID (email)
Logged in with password for microsoft account
added vault
opened vault in my files
activtated face ID
can see my former created Folders (who did not work in the past), but not the two, a few minutes ago created ones and no other data which wasn’t uploaded in the past.
On the different device I cannot see this former created folders.
Deleted all empty created folders (now I have the identical state between iphone and windows pc)
Created a new folder on the iphone → marked with “waiting”
Exported a .pdf from QuickScan to the vault → marked with “waiting”
Wait a while (maybe a microsoft thing with one drive) → no success
And of course the new folder and pdf are not visible on my windows pc
@tobihagemann: Any idea? I’m a bit afraid about what’s going to happen with iOS 18
Restarted my iphone again
Message: Cryptomator license (lifetime) has expired.
Recovered the license
On “my files” on the iphone everything is the same, but on my windows pc the QuickScan-pdf was uploaded (not the folder!). However on the iphone the pdf is still marked with waiting!
Thank you for your detailed feedback. I’m very sorry for this oversight. Deploying a hotfix version 2.6.1 right now.
Edit: @toxbird I just wanted to mention that this is a specific OneDrive issue. If you’re having issues with Dropbox, you may have to create a new topic.
Mit der 2.6.1 funktioniert wieder alles so wie es soll und ich kann mein Offline-Scans mit QuickScan wieder direkt vom iphone in den Tresor speichern!
Many thanks!
With 2.6.1 everything works fine again and I can store my offline-scans with the App QuickScan directly from my iphone to the vault again!
@munxx The “full version” is actually not “legacy” and we’re keeping it up-to-date as the freemium version.
The reason for the delay is simply because Apple hasn’t reviewed it yet. That’s very surprising to me as well, because we submit the updates of both version to the App Store at the same time.
Edit: It has been approved and the update is now available!