New iPhone, Cryptomator not working

Here’s the message I get when I try to unlock:

The operation couldn’t be completed.
ProviderAccountError error O.)

As that’s completely unhelpful, does anyone here have suggestions?


Hi. Have you tried to delete your connection and set it up again?

No, but I’ll try that later tonight. Thanks!

That worked, thanks! (I should’ve thought of it, but at the some time, it’d be nice if the error message was a little more helpful)

I’m having the same problem but I don’t know what “delete your connection” means. Could you say more? Thanks.

Go to settings → cloud services.
Select your service.
Then you see your connection.
Click „edit“ and delete the connection.

Then add it again.

My vault is not stored in the cloud; it is located on my iPhone.

And you are sure that you have a „Cloud ProviderAccountError“ then?

That’s what it says, for some reason.
The operation couldn’t be
completed. (CryptomatorCom-
countError error O.)

I tried changing my password but received the same error. It’s like the app can’t find the vault. Maybe it didn’t copy over from the old phone to the new one properly?

ok. Did you try to delete the vault from the app (not in iOS files app, just “unmount” the vault from the app), and then add the vault again in cryptomator?

It worked! And so easy, like the app itself. (I’m obviously not tech savvy.) Thank you and best wishes for the new year.

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I also get the same message (CryptomatorCommonCore.Cloud
ProviderAccountError error) when moving to a new iPhone and accessing my vault from the file-app

I followed the steps recommended :slight_smile:

  • deleting the vault /setting-up in the file-app but the error persists.
  • trying to remove the cloud (iCloud) from the cryptomator app via settings, which doesn’t work : "Sie koennen …nicht verwalten. Wechseln Sie zu den iOS einstellungen

Accessing the vault from the cryptomator app works fine

Am I misinterpreting the proposed remedy?
