Excel Macro Blocked

Windows 10 | Cryptomator 1.12.0 | Dropbox

Excel files with macros (.xlsm) stored in Cryptomator drive are not trusted, and macros cannot be used.
I tried adding the virtual drive to Trusted Sites with two techniques (all fail):

  1. Following MS instructions here: A potentially dangerous macro has been blocked - Microsoft Support).

  2. Changing settings in Excel: File>Options>Trust Center>Trust Center Settings…>Trusted Locations>Add New Location

I had no issues with Excel macros when I was using the same setup with Box Cryptor / Dropbox, so there must be a way.

Any Ideas?

I have the same problem and tried all of the above. I am afraid that there is no solution to this, because I believe that Cryptomator is structured differently so that it does not fall under these conditions. Unfortunately.

I therefore have all Excel files in a Veracrypt vault.

If there was a solution, someone would have already replied, after all, your post has been up for six days…

But as always… hope always dies last! And let’s hope someone from the Cryptomator team can fix the problem.

Hi, I have the same problem but only with Office Professional Plus 2019 but it’s totally solved in Professional Plus 2021

I was able to fix both issues by changing the Volume Type.
I just switched to WinFsp (Local Drive). Everything works: File save and Excel macros!

Please try and report back if it works for you too.

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File Save issue was discussed here:

that’s works! thank you