Destop app: Synch doesn't work with OneDrive and OneDriveEnterprise

Hello, I’m a new user of Cryptomator desktop on windows 10.
I’ve put two differents cryptomator vaults eachone contenaing differents datas, one on OneDrive, one on OneDrive Enterprise. The fisrt automatical sync (from my desktop to the coud) works.
But if I localy add files either in one on the other vaults, they shut de vaults, the vault on the cloud is not updated.
The “modification date” in each cloud is still the one of the first upload on the cloud (via the synch automatic process of sync). And if I dowload the vault, then open localy, the added files are missing.
How to proceed please ?

Please keep in mind, that cryptomator does not the sync job. This is done by the OneDrive App(s).
So if you have Problems with the pure sync to the OneDrive Cloud Storage, you should investigate why your sync client is not working properly.
This might have various reasons. Misconfiguration of folders for example, or sync is just not performed for whatever reason.

Thanks, I know, and both OneDrive perso et pro work very well.
I don’t have problems with any file or folder. Just with Cryptomator folders.

Cryptomator Folders are not special folders. they are just nomal files in normal folders.
This is why I assume, that you have a misconfiguration in you OneDrive Sync settings.
If you put files into the vault, the encrypted files in the cryptomator folders are changing (please check.)
And after that, its up to OneDrive to sync them to the storage.

Im on OneDrive for Business as well, and it works like a charm.

Thank you. I made severals additionals test and it works on both. Something indeed was wrong in the settings. Thanks a lot for your help.