Can't open WPL file (video)

I have put a video into Cryptromator password protected vault. When I opened the vault the file would not open with Windows Media Player not with Groove Music. They say ‘Can’t find the file’ Any ideas?

Have you tried switching the volume type to dokany or fuse (WinSFP)?

Well, I downloaded Donkany

But I don’t know what ‘switching the volume type’ means :flushed:

Please goto to settings in Cryptomator. There you can find the volume type, probably configured to WebDAV at the moment. There you can switch to dokany.
Please note that you have to I shall dokany 1.x. The latest dokany version 2.x is not supported yet. (Sorry, didn’t mention that at first)

Thanks Michael, that’s really helpful. I’ll uninstall the version of Dokany that I have and install Dokany 1.x I did see webdave in a drop down menu (nothing else on the list though) so I must have been on the right track….

Wow, Michael, it’s been a bit of a run around, but yes, it works! I am now able to open my recordings directly from Cryptomator. Thanks a lot!

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