My Vaults are reachable from MacOS, annd from Windows without trouble.
I have the last version of Cryptomator available on F-Droid (1.11.1).
I am using Nextcloud to store my vaults.
Nextcloud stores files on devices locally.
I configured the vaults on my Android to open the local vaults.
It seemed to work but I cannot see any files and I get this message: An error occurred.
Thank you for your message SailReal, but I am using Cryptomator for privacy needs.
I would prefer checking the logs alone and report eventual errors here if I feel the trouble comes from any development.
I am new to Android and do not know where to find such logs.
Can you, please, tell me where I can find them?
I know what is my trouble without the logs.
I create my Vaults from MacOS and to avoid standard users to accidentally delete encrypted seen files, I created them with an initial dot (e.g. .vault).
This is not a problem on MacOS and also on Windows but it seems to be one for Android.
I did not currently test it on iOS.
Do you think it would be possible to support this in the future?