"Are you sure you want to copy these files without their properties"

When I’m copying files sometimes i got the message
“Are you sure you want to copy these files without their properties”

Those files where never been stored online, but only in my HDD.
At the moment I had the message with only .AVI files without metadata.
Some of them where “hidden files”, but not all.

I tried to copy a file with removed proprieties from the cloud to my pc, but they looks the same.
I checked the hash and is the same too.
So what are those proprieties?
I don’t want to lose metadata of photos and video where I have them

Maybe related to this: "The file has properties that can't be copied" - #5 by overheadhunter

Thank you.
I read that page, but I actually missed the link you posted.

I discovered (with command dir /r) that some of the videos (that I personally recorded with my old camera) has ads in it…
What’s that and how can i see or “extract” that .WMV?

So it should not be a problem copy everything without that, right?