Windows "winget" incorrectly reports upgrade available

I find the Windows Package Manager extremely useful and regularly use it to check for available updates to my installed applications. I was very pleased to find that Cryptomator supports its use.

Unfortunately, there is a minor issue with the current release of Cryptomator. Although I have installed the latest release, winget continues to report that a later release is available.
It shows my installed release as “1.10.1” and the latest available release as “”.
Cryptomator “About” reports “1.10.1(msi-4844)”.

I appreciate that this is a trivial issue and probably not worth addressing for the current build.
However, it would be beneficial if it could be corrected for future releases.

Regards, Ken Clark


Hello Ken Clark,
thank you for your feedback and your report.
I was able to replicate your problem and I added an entry for it to our issue tracker; please check there for any further updates.
We are working to resolve this issue for the current release as well as for future versions of Cryptomator.
Also please note that you are indeed using the latest version. No further action is required.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
With kind regards,