Windows 11 only Webdav and FUSE

Hey everyone.

Just a quick question because I couldn’t find somthing here about it.

I switched to Win 11 and now I can only use WebDAV and FUSE is that normal?

In the last Version I used WebDAV which had a lot of crashes and didn’t work well, befor on Win 10 i used dokan without a problem.

Thanks in advance

Hi. Please check if dokany version 1.5.x (Not 2.x) is installed on your system.
If not, please install it and restart Cryptomator. Then dokany is again available as filesystem.

Or you can stay with fuse and give it a try :smile:

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Hey Michael,
thanks for the info. Since it automaticly installed at the Win10 version, at least for me, I didn’t know that i had to do i manually. But good to know, thanks :smiley::
I guess i will try out FUSE now and if it bugs i will go back to dokany.
Thanks again