Windows 10 Quick Access don't work no more

Hello everyone,

After I created a local Vault folder using Cryptomator, all my Quick Access pinned folders just dissappeared. When the vault is unlocked everything is fine, but when locked Windows Quick Access does not work. For example, I can’t pin a local folder to Quick Access, Windows keeps telling me that the folder path is missing.

Does anyone here have a workaround ?

After few researches, I tried to reset Quick Access with the following prompts (without success) :

C:\WINDOWS\system32>del /F /Q %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent*

C:\WINDOWS\system32>del /F /Q %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations*

C:\WINDOWS\system32>del /F /Q %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\CustomDestinations*

Thanks in advance for your assistance.