What happen to Tresor if you delte program

I have install Cryptomator on my pc and i have create a tresor, what happens if i delte cryptomator and later instal it again, will the crated tresor be avaible again of is everyting delte when you delte the progam.

Hi. The vault itself (means the encrypted files) will not be deleted if you uninstall cryptomator, and also not if you delete the vault from the vault list in cryptomator. The only way to delete a vault is to manually delete the vault files via your file explorer.
If you do not delete your vault after uninstalling the app, you can add the vault again to cryptomator if you install it again.

Is there also a solution how you can hide the folder in which the vault have been created?
I see currently Cryptomator have create a folder with a questionsmark and if this somebody see he maybe know in this folder is something saved

No. The folder must be accessible to the user account that started cryptomator. You can’t hide it.