Vault partially syncing between different devices

I created a vault on a Windows 10 PC and added a bunch of files/folders. I can unlock from my phone and see the contents fine. But when I connect from a second Windows PC, I get an empty drive. I tried adding a new folder from the second PC and it adds it fine. On my phone, it shows all the contents, including the new folder. Then going back to the first PC, I can only see the original contents, and not the new folder. I am using Box (via WebDAV) to cloud sync. Any ideas? Thanks.

Are you also connecting to Box via WebDAV on your PCs? Or are you using their sync client? If you’re using the sync client, it could be a sync issue. Try to restart the sync client and check if it has finished syncing. If you’re connecting via WebDAV, you should actually see the same content as on Android because it’s the same protocol.

Your test with Android shows that everything from both PCs has been uploaded to Box and is available in the cloud. That’s why I’m assuming that it’s sync-related on your PCs.

Thanks for responding. On my PC, I am not using WebDAV. The PC has the Windows box sync and I just point Cryptomator to the mounted box drive. But now that you mention it, I can mirror the WebDAV on my phone. There might be some sync issue with the mounted box drive and Cryptomater updating the “local” files.