Vault Checksum Integrity Verification - Is it Included in Cryptomator?

I’m new to Crytomator, so I may have missed something in the online docs.

Does Cryptomator have a built-in checksum to verify integrity of files once they have been updated (cloud sync, etc).

If, yes, what is the algorithm used? I would prefer something stronger like SHA-256 or SHA-512.

If no, then what S/W would you recommend that could do this?

There is no “vault checksum”, since the files are encrypted individually. But each file is encrypted using AES-GCM, which has an authentication tag and is basically an integrity check, see: Vault Cryptography — Cryptomator Documentation

Furthermore, Cryptomator has a “Health Check” feature (accessible via the Vault Options), which checks if the vault structure is intact.

Does that help?

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