Unable to delete write protected files under Windows


I was unable to delete several files in my vault under Windows 10 Pro. I noticed they were all write protected, some had also the hidden and system attribute.

I had a look at this Guide article: Windows: How to remove write protection from a file inside a vault

Unfortunately, the command attrib -R /S “D:\path\to\myVault” did not help. This command did not find any files (“File not found”). I changed the command to attrib -H -R /S “D:\path\to\myVault*.*” . Now the files were found, but I still got around 20 error messages:

Not resetting system file - D:\path\to\myVault\filename

At least the command window gave me the list of files which could not be resetted with the attrib command. I changed the attributes of the 20 encrypted files manually outside the vault, and then I was able to delete them in the vault.

I just wanted to let you know. I know that the Guide article points to bug 776. Apologies if I should have posted there, I have no Github account (yet).

Many thanks!

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Thanks for mentioning it! I updated the guide. You had some pretty rad files in your vault if they were hidden, read-only and system files. ^^

Thank you for the update and for caring so much for us users!

The problem is less the few rad files than the sheer amount of files I have :roll_eyes: . I will probably open a post regarding the performance of the encryption process to make sure I am doing everything correctly.

You could try attrib -H -S -R /S “D:\path\to\myVault\*.*”
The -S removes the system file attribute. Worked for me.