Temporary files when opening Microsoft Office files

Hi, I am a Boxcryptor orphan who just installed and started using Cryptomator. Whenever I open a Microsoft Office file, like a MS Word doc, a temp file is created in the folder. For example, if I create and open a file named “Document.docx”, a new file named “~$cument.docx” is created in the folder.

Can someone suggest a fix to avoid this?

Thank you.

Hi. That is a typical Microsoft office behaviour and is not triggered by Cryptomator.


I tried creating in a Word file in a non-vault folder and did not initially see any temp file being generated, but I did see it after selecting “show hidden files”. So it appears that for some reason, the MS Office files that are normally hidden when using regular folders are showing up as unhidden in the vault folders.

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Sorry, but the problem ist still urgent. The temporary files are sometimes not deleted after closing the file. And additional temp files with encryptet filnames are generatet. The original file is lost in those cases.

When the bug appears there is a alert in office “document was not saved”. If this happens its only possible to save the file unencrypted somewhere else. Otherwise its lost.

I had similar problems with Office 365 files (Word, Excel, etc) on Windows 11. I had a different error message, but your description of orphaned temp files and corrupted files is the problem I had. I had to go back to version 1.6.17 to get rid of the problem. After installing the old version, everything is fine. I still haven’t seen a resolution to the problem, so I’m refusing to upgrade. It sort of makes me think there isn’t a lot of Windows/Office testing for this application. :frowning: