I just acquired a 2x support license but could not apply discount, there was no inputfield to enter the discount code (DEC24).
There where 3 steps, in none of the steps I could enter the discount code (windows version).
- step 1: select $-amount, number of licenses, email and accept terms (use discount code…)
- step 2: email already filled in and country already filled in (auto detected), enter zipcode
- step 3: card or ideal or paypal
It’s not a huge issue for me and I do not want a refund I just wanted to notify you of this to avoid future issues. It might be that I missed an inputfield somewhere (maybe then need to make the coupon process more clear?)
Could you consider separate certificates for each each supporter license.
Example: user purchases 4 supporter license, then 4 certificates are generated for each supporter license. Each certificate holds the email address used for the purchase and maybe some other info if needed.
If this needs more work, maybe you could consider an option: [+2$ separate certificate].
Meaning: an extra option to pay for separate certificates
Any chance there could be a sync to cloud option in the future.
At least for 3 most used: Google, Dropbox, Onedrive?