Sort vault list

Just a small hobby project but coming soon :tada: :

Stay tuned :slightly_smiling_face:


I support auto sort of the vaults but also while within the UI could we integrate the following:

  1. Size window - Like most windows to drag the top or sides to size the window
    Mw**yarm Reply: I donā€™t currently use Android so everything I am suggesting is based on a desktop using Windows 10. I noted you can drag from the corners but not the sides. Say for example I want to keep the Cryptomator window at the top of my screen and I would like for the window to be the width of my screen (i.e. drag from the side but not expand in length. If you drag from a corner it expands in both width and height proportionally. By dragging from the side I can maintain a window that is wide but it does not necessarily grow in length proportionally, allowing me to have other content below that window on the same screen such as the files I am working on. It is not critical, but I found it different than other window applications where you can drag from corners, tops and sides. Also, if a user wanted for some reason to make it full screen, it does not appear to have that functionality. The use case for a full screen is to place it in window on my secondary monitor which sits to my left, and I use my primary monitor which sits in front of me, that allows me glance to left to look at my Cryptomator Files and Vaults as I navigate to the vault location using Windows Explorer. **
    **I did not think of this before but what about an option where you could double click on the vault location and it would open widows explorer to that vault location. No more having to look to the left and click on the drive letter, and then look back to my second monitor on my left and click on the next sub-directory and then look back to my left on my secondary monitor to get the 3rd sub directory, etc.

  2. Increase font of vault names
    Mwyarm Reply: I should have said vault names and vault locations. The locations are very difficult to read especially if you have the Cryptomator window sitting on the side in a secondary monitor where you are working in your primary monitor on the actual files.

  3. Auto Remove Vault Option - Upon closing of Cryptomator remove all vaults from list. I typically go to a specific vault when I want to open it and if not present it will automatically add it to the vault list. This declutters the list to just those vaults you have opened\managed in this session. Also, for those who want a ā€˜specificā€™ vault to never be removed, add option for that vault to not remove when ā€œauto removeā€ is selected.

Mwyarm Reply: The use case is I have 2 and most of the time 3 related vaults opened ā€“1) the vault that resides on my desktop, 2) the corresponding copy of vault I have downloaded from the cloud storage provider so I can unencrypt it to compare and 3) another vault where I am making resulting changes that will eventually replace the other 2 vaults once I am comfortable with the changes I am making. So, when I am through making the changes to the 3 related vaults I am ready to close them. Today, I have to scroll up and down the list looking for all 3 vaults which I drag and drop in alpha order. Ideally, and you have addressed this before, an option at the top of the window that says ā€œSort A-Zā€, ā€œSort Z-Aā€, ā€œOpen Vaultsā€, etc. Being able to click on ā€œOpen Vaults would sort them at the top of the window and move the focus to the top of the window so I can readily close them after confirming they are indeed the ones I want to close. When closed, I would like to be able to click on one of the Sort options (which could be an up or down arrow key to save space). It sounds like the Sort option is not anything near term so I am not sure have the ability to sort Open Vaults at the top which would be inconvinent but without the Alpha sort it is inconvenient as I have to drag them back to their Alpha location. We really need to the combination of the 3 sort options if you have the 15-30 vaults I have.

  1. Sort Option - Option to select sort of vaults by vault name or vault drive location.

Mwyarm Reply: Goes hand in hand with the sort option of ā€œopen vaultsā€ as described above.

  1. Move Option - When dragging an existing vault, add capability to drag towards bottom and window will auto scroll down. Currently, you can only drag it into the visible size of the window as window does not scroll down automatically. You have to drop it and then physically scroll the bar down and then go back and drag vault down to the bottom of the window and repeat until it is moved to the bottom.

Mwyarm Reply: If you are able to auto sort by the options described above at the top of the screen this becomes less critical but I am sure there are other users who may not to choose these two options and therefore would like the window to scroll for them. Possibly a staged request where we get the sort and then this follows as I suspect most users sort by either Vault Name or Vault Location. However, one should never assume and if all options can be presented then all the better.


Mwyarm Reply: I did not know any other way how to tag my reply to the comments so I hope this works for you.

I didnā€™t get that correctly. You want to resize the window in Android while drag the top or sides? I donā€™t remember seeing anything like this on an Android app before :sweat_smile: .

The vault name currently have already a size of 18sp which is quiet huge but I created a screenshot with 18, 20 and 22sp (from left to right of the images). For me the current version does look the best and it also applies to the material design guidelines the best.

If you are considering the text size in general, you can simply increase it in the system settings.

This is quite an edge case from my point of view. Donā€™t want to exclude that something like this would be implemented but definitely not very soon and you would have to think through better than I have right now what benefit this has for a user.

This feature request sounds interesting, I have created it on GitHub:

This one sounds interesting too:

See my reply comments above. I donā€™t think I know how to use the board to provide my reply for each item so the comments show below each item. Unfortunately, I edited my comments in my original post and I tried to prefix my reply comments with ā€œMwyarm Replyā€¦ā€ in bold font. I need to know the trick how to get my reply to go fitter your reply when there is a list like the above.