Similar app in the Huawei app gallery store

Hello! I have purchased an application from Google Play Market and have a key purchased from your site. I found an app in the Huawei APP Gallery Store that is too similar to yours. Can you confirm that this is your application? It’s a fake? Excuse me English. I am using a translator.
Link to app


It’s definitely fake (not from us), we’re looking into it. Thank you for reporting this!


Thanks again for reporting.

We have currently only received a response from Hauwei that they will inform the responsible team and contact us as soon as possible, but the app has now already been removed from the Huawei APP Gallery Store.

Good. Glad to hear it. The security and privacy of personal data is very important. Maybe you will add the official (your app) to the store? Or add other payment methods (such as webmoney) so that as many people as possible can legally purchase your app? Thanks for the answer. From Russia with love

Especially since this “crypto pro” app was only ~3MB in size, while our apps are 20MB and 12MB respectively, so no idea at all what you bought with it.

We could add there our license key version from the website but without update checker :thinking:

You can already buy the app with crypto or cash via our partner