The overnight news came through about Apple deciding not to offer ADP in the UK market. The news indicates this decision came as a result of a separate mandated request by the UK Government, as part of the Investigatory Powers Act.
I fear for the overreach here. I question their need for this access, and my rights as an individual citizen. We have many examples of State entities abusing this power, and incorrectly gaining access or not treating it with the same sensivity as I do. I am writing to my Member of Parliament this weekend at my utter dismay at this Government’s actions and intentions.
Meanwhile… What can I or do I do? What are the options? How do they compare?
I currently use Cryptomator in my Apple ecosystem, and this may well become a data storage choice.
Is there a way to get iOS Apps to use the Cryptomator Vault mount point for its storage? I think that iOS defaults to putting it in special folders at the root my “iCloud Drive” (they have the App’s icon, for example).
Can I change the default download location of Safari (my primary iOS browser app) to use the Cryptomater Vault mount point?
I think the primary concerns are for the 9 defined iCloud services that are impacted. I use these in different amount to the next person:
iCloud Backup - iMazing or similar software could work(?)
iCloud Drive - This is my current focus, as I regularly use this
Apple Photos - I only have 1 offline Photos library and do not use any iCloud components - so not my concern, other than ensuring Apple has deleted any artefacts
Apple Notes - This is my current focus, as I regularly use these. I will pursue self-hosted backends / data storage for these. Obsidian’s iOS app does not cater for self-hosted data stores. Bear does not offer a solution either, Checking out others.
Apple Reminders - Will be my next focus
Safari Bookmarks - Arbitrary to resolve
Siri Shortcuts - Siri, what?!?
Voice Memos - again, what??!
Wallet Passes - upload individually at your peril
Apple Freeform - not sure anyone uses this anyway…
Apple Notes is 1 of those. I am evaluating Joplin, Bear and Obsidian at the moment.