I was having a problem with using Cryptomator (Ver 1.13.0) for Mac OS (Sonoma 14.6.1) and Dropbox where the encrypted vault would not open. The error message I received was "An error occurred loading the vault from disk”. I realized that I might be experiencing a file permissions problem, so I tried copying the whole vault structure from Dropbox to my desktop and found that the problem went away. I finally got the whole issue to resolve on Dropbox by taking three actions:
- I forced an installation of macFUSE 4.8.0 and removed FUSE-T which was the baseline recommendation in the download area for Macs using Apple CPU chips. You need to change permissions in macOS Recovery mode to allow 3rd party apps to make system level changes in order to do this.
- I rebooted why machine and then went into Finder, navigated to my Dropbox vault folder and right clicked on it. There was an option add permissions to “Make available off-line” for the whole Vault contents. Once I did this, the problem appeared to clear up.
- I set the General Preferences to enable “Lock open vaults automatically when quitting application”
To be plain, I am not sure that I took the best path to getting the problem cleared. If anyone has a better idea, or would recommend a safer alternate method to get a good result, I would be happy to hear about it.