Remaining directories and privacy

Hi there,
I use the Ubuntu desktop application and it works well.
I’d like to share a thought with you, perhaps a suggestion for improvement.
I just discover when I close a vault, he directory created in /home/my_user/.local/share/Cryptomator/mnt still remains and is not deleted. If it’s not existing, the application created it on its own.
I think there is a small privacy issue here, because this name may be seen by other people (someone who has the root access by example).
Let’s say I have crypted my health files, with X-rays, reports, blood tests, prescriptions and doctors’ opinions. I have name the vault “lung_cancer”, “pregnancy”, or “abortion”, it can give a lot of information to someone else (even if there is no access to the files of this dir), whereas I want to hide my data in a safe.
Same for others private datas as employeer, religious stuff, and so on.
Maybe the directory should be deleted in the mnt parent folder? And created again when the vault is opened? Or at least, be named in a way that don’t give any information to someone about our privacy? (as the id in settings.json)
It’s just a thought. But now that I’ve seen it, I always delete it after use the app. I don’t know if everyone knows it exists, so people let the directory exist, and probably be seen.

Moreover, using an id would make it possible to open 2 vaults with the same name: currently, when you compare 2 vaults with the same name, you get a 6HCL:2GTN:615N error.