Put a Cryptomator vault in my onedrive vault that has a limit of 3 files


Due to my Microsoft subscription, I can have only three files in my onedrive vault. I used to be able to create a Cryptomator vault in the onedrive vault without a problem as long as I add no more than 3 files to the Cryptomator vault. Somehow Microsoft nicely knew that I was only encrypting 3 files. However, after upgrading to the most current Cryptomator, Microsoft starts to complain that I have more than three files and therefore stop syncing. Is there a solution to recover the old feature? I appreciate any guidance and help.


Hi even an empty, fresh created vault has more that 3 files.
This is nothing new with the latest version.
I am pretty sure there’s a misunderstanding. Never heard of a OneDrive limitation of 3 files. This would be ridiculous for an online storage.

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the reply. The 3 file limitation is imposed only on the oneDrive’s vault, not on the regular oneDrive space, which is limited only by the total size, 5GB in my subscription.

Yes, even an empty Cryptomator vault has more than 3 encrypted files and multiple folders. I did not have any problem with the old version of Cryptomator. I had nicely had the nested double vaults (from Cryptomator and Microsoft) without any problem under my limited Microsoft subscription for 3 years.


Also not heard of anything like this. How did you manage to limit the files in your vault to 3? Cryptomator has no limits. And OneDrive cannot know for sure exactly how many files are in your vault. They see only the encrypted files of your vault. And this is not a 1:1 match.

I would love to help, but this does not make any sense to me.
Please share a screenshot of the error message from OneDrive you mentioned in your first post.

Hi Michael,

Please see the image above. My Microsoft account is a non-profit organization account. I think that is the reason for the 3 file limit.


I just realize that I am using my personal free account. And it does have a 3 file limit. It’s true for any free oneDrive user. Please check the following article, which has a solution to my question.

How to Bypass OneDrive Personal Vault Maximum 3 Files Limit for the Free Plan? – Cloud File Renamer Knowledgebase

Ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying.
So your vault is not in your regular onedrive space, but in Microsoft’s onedrive personal vault.
I don’t know how to help in this particular case, but is there a reason why you don’t want to store your cryptomator vault in your regular storage area? The vault files are encrypted, so you won’t gain any extra security to put them in the Microsoft personal vault.

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I simply think these nested vaults will make my files even safer. A hacker needs to break two doors to get in.

If the first door is safe enough, you don’t need a second one :grinning:. (My opinion).
Nevertheless, I can’t say why/how you were able to put a vault in there in the first place, or how this can be achieved now. A vault had always and will have more than 3 files.

Not sure how vault work since i no longer use onedrive, but double encryption only add little advantage provided you using secure/dated encryption method but it gives you risk of data corruption. As an average person, i wouldn’t go for double encryption unless you’re some profile individual…

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When I was young, I was somebody. Now, I am nobody :grin:

Thank you both for your very good advice. I will reconsider if a single strong door is good enough.


I use Cryptomator and Onedrive and have my Cryptomator vault in the regular storage area. I use a password manager to track all of my passwords.

First, someone would need to break into my 2 factor authenticated Onedrive account. Door #1.

My Cryptomator vault has a strong 36 digit password. Door #2.

I can’t imagine that you need more security than that.