Purchase on proxstore.re does not create a valid license

I purchased the “Cryptomator for Android License Key (Coupon)” via https://digitalgoods.proxysto.re/
The order number is XXXXX and I already got the code “xx-xxxxxxxx”.

The advice on their website is:
“To redeem a coupon, you first need to click through the normal purchase process for the supporter certificate
Supporter Certificate (enter the value € 15 there) or the Android app. Select „Add Coupon“ and enter the code.”

This does not work on the website (Funder certificate 14,99), nor does ist work with the Android APK: “APK-Store-License: not valid”

Pls send me the code to be entered in the APK app.

Kind regards, tmp

I redacted your order number. Please DM your order number to @SailReal

Hey and welcome to the Cryptomator Community :slightly_smiling_face:,

This topic illustrates what you need to do:

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Thank you, that worked.

Your reseller/dealer proxysto.re does not provide the correct method to redeem a coupon:

“To redeem a coupon, you first need to click through the normal purchase process for the supporter certificate Supporter Certificate

Please update them on the correct method, so that no other customer run in that trouble again.

Regards, tmp