Problems with saving Office-Files

Since a couple of weeks, I always get errors, when saving office files. When I open an office file, and want to save after editing, it says that I have to “save as”, because the original file is locked. I’m not able to just “save” it.

I can’t imagine where the error comes from.

I’m using Office 365, Cryptomator Deskop on Windows with Onedrive.

Please help me - Thanks!


Can you please shut down the onedrive client and then try to edit the document.
At east in my case the OneDrive client is just a pain in the ass and does always block/interrupt various processes (backups, etc) because it is blocking files for no reason.
Everything works smooth again if the client is not running.

I’ll try asap. But it won’t solve my problem, because I need my files sync instantly. I’m running a small business and my colleagues and employees need access to them. Otherwise I’ve to rethink my whole datamangement.

And there’s one more question left: Why this error did not occure months before?

I noticed this also not from the beginning but right after one of the latest big windows updates (cannot remember exactly which one). But it happen no matter if I have the Cryptomator vault open or not and even when I try to backup files that I do not have encrypted. So I assume it is not related to Cryptomator but to the fact that windows has announced to shut down the OneDrive (4business) Tools (inkluding skype 4 business) and replace it with MS Teams. So I think they will not put too much effort in maintenance of the one drive client. But this is only a suggestion, i did not go deeper into this because the workaround to shut down the client and sync when I don’t work with the files is good for me.

It looks like the problem has disappeared yesterday. So it might have been any windows, office 365 or onedrive issue.