Open folder in place for iOS

Cryptomator integrates via File Provider API to iOS. This allows accessing individual files inside a Cryptomator vault from other apps such as the Files app. Unfortunately, the embedding and editing of entire folders located inside a Cryptomator vault via File Provider API seems to be currently not implemented. E.g. when trying to add entire folders to text editing apps such as iA Writer or Ulysses Cryptomator is greyed out:

There is an example repository from the maker of the Working Copy app demonstrating the feature: palmin/open-in-place. He further explains in this Twitter thread that to support this feature

Providers need NSExtensionFileProviderSupportsPickingFolders=YES in their Info.plist to be included.

It would be nice if Cryptomator implements this feature as well.

Hey @lorenz,

indeed, that would be very nice if the Cryptomator iOS app would support this feature. Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment, see also my comment for issue #48, as well as the issue #604 for the owncloud iOS app, as they are facing the same problem.

Thanks for your reply and sorry for not have searched the Github issues more thoroughly. Makes sense to me, too bad that the requirement for that flag are so high.