No access to onedrive

Hey there,

i can‘t access to one drive with the cryptomator iOS App since a few days. When I select „connect to one drive“ there appears a blank window and nothing happens.

It works totally fine with all over cloud services and i can access one drive and my vaults in it from my computer (windows).

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Hm, I just checked OneDrive in Cryptomator on my iPhone. I don’t seem to have any issues. I even signed out in the settings and logged back in to OneDrive.

Have you already tried with another internet connection? Turn off Wi-Fi and connect via mobile data or vice versa.

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Thanks! It works with mobile data. Now i’m signed in to one drive, access my vaults seems to work with both Wi-Fi and mobile data.
Strange, but it’s solved for me.

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