WIN 10, Cryptomator 1.4.5, Dropbox 47.4.83
Just in the process to configure a new WIN 10 machine. Installed Dropbox client and wanted to move the dropbox folder into an existing vault (decrypted). I get the error message:
File system is not supported when I want to move it into the network folder. But I could move the dropbox folder to the physical path of the Vault. e.g D:\Userdata\name\Crypto\DocsandFrogs
So I have at least two questions:
First: What is the difference between copying the dropbox folder to the network folder and copying it to the physical path of the vault.
Second: When I move the dropbox folder to the direct path of the vault (here D:\Userdata\name\Crypto\DocsandFrogs are the files there encrypted too and if yes into which folder of the direct path do I have to move the dropbox folder? Is it the folder with the vault name (here DocsandFrogs) or one of the subfolder - d or m?
Thanks for any useful information to my question