Licence on another device?

I have bought cryptomator on my android tablet and i can see it now in my family library. When im trying to install it on my android phone, it ask me to purchase it again even though im using the same google account on both devices. Do I need to pay it on every device i have?

No. The licence is bound to the google account, not to the device.
I cannot say why you are asked to purchase again. Sure you used the same account? (I know you already answered this, but it the only way I can imagine that a purchase is prompted.

I have double checked it. I can see that on my tablet, on my wife and kids devices in family library but not on my phone. I have tried to restart both tablet and phone with no success.

You can try to clear the cache of the Play Store app…sometimes this helps.

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Thanks. I have uninstall it and installed it again, then i could install it on another device too.

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