Issue with "File Not Found"

Hello I’m having an issue with the desktop app.

I cannot open a file using the desktop app (Error message: "File Not Found. Check if the file was moved, renamed, or deleted), yet I can open the document in the Android mobile app.

It is a file that is saved into the onedrive cloud.

What is happening and why is it happening?

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Welcome to the Cryptomator Community, :slightly_smiling_face:

is the file visible in the Windows file manager? Or how do you open it?

In general, ensure that all files are synced to the cloud and from the cloud to your devices.

Thank you for the welcome!

The file is visible in the Windows file manager and synced to onedrive.

When I double click it I use Foxit PDF Reader (and tried it with Chrome), both with the same issue.

Can you retry to open the file in a more strict setting?

  1. Restart Cryptomator
  2. Open the vault
  3. Try to open the file
  4. Lock the vault
  5. Open Preferences
  6. Open the log file location by clicking on “Reveal log files”
  7. Quit Cryptomator

In the opened File manager window, you see a file named cryptomator0.log. Look into the file and see if there are some ERRORs, WARNings or Exceptions. If so, you can send me the file via PM or via Email to

Please note that the log file may contain personal information, so check what info it contains!

Sending a DM! to you. THank you for looking at it.

Nevermind, sent an email! Couldn’t find a DM button.

We recived the log. It contains the following error several times:

13:23:46.942 [Thread-16] ERROR o.c.frontend.fuse.ReadOnlyAdapter - open /Individual Documents/[DOCNAMEUPLOAD] failed. The cloud file provider is not running
	at java.base/ Method)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at java.base/ Source)
	at org.cryptomator.cryptofs@2.6.9/org.cryptomator.cryptofs.fh.FileHeaderHolder.loadExisting(
	at org.cryptomator.cryptofs@2.6.9/org.cryptomator.cryptofs.fh.OpenCryptoFile.initFileHeader(
	at org.cryptomator.cryptofs@2.6.9/org.cryptomator.cryptofs.fh.OpenCryptoFile.newFileChannel(
	at org.cryptomator.cryptofs@2.6.9/org.cryptomator.cryptofs.CryptoFileSystemImpl.newFileChannelFromFile(
	at org.cryptomator.cryptofs@2.6.9/org.cryptomator.cryptofs.CryptoFileSystemImpl.newFileChannel(
	at org.cryptomator.cryptofs@2.6.9/org.cryptomator.cryptofs.CryptoFileSystemProvider.newFileChannel(
	at java.base/ Source)
	at org.cryptomator.frontend.fuse@4.0.0/org.cryptomator.frontend.fuse.OpenFile.create(
	at org.cryptomator.frontend.fuse@4.0.0/
	at org.cryptomator.frontend.fuse@4.0.0/
	at org.cryptomator.frontend.fuse@4.0.0/
	at org.cryptomator.frontend.fuse@4.0.0/
	at org.cryptomator.jfuse.api@0.6.3/

Searching the web for error The cloud file provider is not running, it seems that it is an issue of Microsoft OneDrive. @Abizn Ensure that OneDrive is running and works/syncs properly. Also try to keep the vault files locally on your device (aka disable the files-on-demand feature for the vault). If that works, you can try to turn it on again.

I’ll take a look, but there’s a couple things that don’t add up for me:

  1. It works for other files on desktop
  2. The same file for desktop that doesn’t work, works for the mobile app

Mobile apps connect directly with the online vault. The desktop app does not and needs the cloud provider sync app.

Resolved this issue with the advice above. Thank you (and a sigh of relief)!

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