Is there a way for Android users to be able to vote on issues to focus on for future updates/development?

Hi there! :wave:

I recently became a cryptomator user since I got invested in the idea of keeping encrypted data backups on the cloud without having to shell out $$$
So far I’m pretty satisfied with the windows app.

I looked at the open issue list for the android app on github and seems there are some issues that have been delayed a lot (couple of years) even though there seems to be interest in its implementation.(based on number of comments)

Since android users have to pay to use the app, perhaps it’d be good practice (to maintain positive community between devs and users) if there was a non nerdy method (aka not needing to open github) to be able to gauge which issues are considered top priority by the community to fix/ implement.

TLDR: Any possibility to vote/create issues via android app?
PS: The idea can be extended for iOS and other platform app users also :grinning:

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