iOS Cryptomator-App login with 2FA TOTP in Nextcloud fails

iOS Cryptomator-App login with 2FA TOTP in Nextcloud fails

I use iOS Cryptomator-App with different vaults in a private Nextcloud instance. If I activate the 2FA TOTP functionality in Nextcloud, I can no longer log into the Cryptomator vaults. I use a Nextcloud app password to log into a Cryptomator-App vault. The login via WebDav with a Nextcloud-App-Password instead of the normal Backend-Password works on a PC. But in iOS on the iPad or smartphone, the setup or login to the vault in the Cryptomator app works, but it does not open the Cryptomator-Vault and always jumps back and forth between the Cryptomator app and In my files app when logging in.

Has anyone set up this combination successfully?
iOS | Cryptomator App | In my files app via Nextcloud with 2FA TOTP?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

You need to create an app password in nextcloud and use that to sync Cryptomator.

Hello kimcdow, thank you for your post.
I already mentioned that I created an app password in Nextcloud and also used this when logging in. Unfortunately, the My Documents app jumps back to the Cryptomator app after logging in. From there I can click “In my files app” again and then enter the app password. After that, the app unfortunately jumps back to the Cryptomator app. The vault does not open.

Today I updated the iOS Cryptomator app to version 2.2.4. Then set up the vaults in the “Files app” with Nextcloud app password. After the new login, the Cryptomator safes could then be opened in the “Files App”. Everything works correctly now.

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