IOS automation to lock vault

Hello, I’m trying to create a automation to have Cryptomator locked when the Files App is closed so that i wouldn’t use the designated times in the app to avoid storing certain credentials in the iOS Keychain

But when running it gives back the following error:

Error error .)
Could anyone help identify what is going on?

thanking you in advance for your help

does anyone have an idea of what is creating the error ?

thanking you in advance

I do the same thing, and had the same problem at first, and here is how I got it to work for me: I created a separate shortcut that locks the vault. Then I created the automation so that upon quitting Files, rather than the automation locking the vault, the automation runs the shortcut, which locks the vault. Yeah, I know, it should be the same thing, but that’s how I got it to work. I recommend deleting the automation you have and starting anew, rather than updating this one, just in case. Hope that helps.

created a shortcut, trying to run the shortcut I get the same error it now on the shortcut

could you kindly show me how your shortcut is created to see if i can replicate it

thanking you in advance for your help !

It looks exactly like yours! So, I don’t know. You could try the usual things: removing and readding the vault, deleting/reinstalling the app, restarting the phone, making sure you iOS supports the actions, etc. Other than that, I’m out of ideas. Maybe one of the devs can weigh in.

could anyone kindly try to replicate the error to help me understand what i’m doing wrong ?