iOS app connected to OneDrive does not sync some files, does not warn of sync issues

Hi, I have Cryptomator set up in iOS to sync with OneDrive. Up until recently it worked fine but now I have noticed that one file does not sync back to the cloud and it has a note “Waiting”. It has been an issue for several days, so I had to remove the vault from the app and add it again.

This seems to be a very dangerous situation, as one ca not notice that sync did not happen and if the vault is removed or device with this vault is bracken/stolen all unsynced data is lost.

Are there any recommendations on how to avid it? Could you please add some sort of waring for a user that sync is not compete and user intervention is required?


I am encountering the same problem.

Have recently discovered the same problem, but with the android app. Sync on the laptop from hard drive to onedrive works, as I then trigger another sync from onedrive to another cloud. However, in the meantime when I try to open my cryptomator vault via the android app it is still an outdated folder structure. Have you found a solution in the meantime?