Importing 3 GB of data into cryptomator vault on Google Drive is very slow


I am using a mac.

I read in this forum that it was possible to access a cryptomator vault on Google Drive through Cyberduck.

I tried and connected it, it works, I can access my files.

However I tried to import 3 gb of files inside and it was very long, I mean many hours and I had to stop it manually.

My files are a lot of very small files, inside a lot of folders.

While it was uploading, the sentence
“Folder ‘Name-of-folder’ is being uploaded”
was appearing on top of a progress bar, and the name of folders was changing always, as if it was parsing all the folders name first, before uploading the files, and it kepts showing this sentence and parsing forever.

If I upload thoses same files and folders unencrypted into Google Drive it is very fast.

Why is it slow ? Is it Cyberduck, Cryptomator, or Google Drive when using encrypted vault ?

Is there some way to solve this or I should quit using Cryptomator with Cyberduck ?


Welcome to the Cryptomator community :slightly_smiling_face:

It is not Cryptomator. Cyberduck has its own implementation of the Cryptomator encryption scheme and is not related to the Cryptomator software. Hence, your question might be better asked in the Cyberduck community.

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I also have a vault stored on a Google Drive account. However, I do it differently. Here is a solution that may work better for you.

There is a free software program called Rclone that you can download and run on your Mac. What it will do is this.

Run ‘rclone config’ to create a remote configuration for your Google Drive account. Take all the defaults.

"rclone --vfs-cache-mode full mount google_account: Google_folder.

Your Google Drive will be mounted in that folder and then you can use your cryptomator software to open the vault located on Google Drive. You will not be using any third-party encryption tools. cryptomator will be completely responsible for doing the encryption however rclone will be responsible for transporting the data to and from the cloud.

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Thanks for your replies.
The rclone solution is a very good idea thanks.

My issue with the native Google Backup and Sync app was that I needed to store a copy of my cryptomator vault locally, and take up storage on my computer.

While Cyberduck was allowing me to access directly on the drive.

I’m sure Rclone could fix it for me too.

However it seems that cryptomator is now able to mount a virtual volume of the Google drive stored vault so it solved my problem.

Maybe I’ll end up ewperiencing other ram issues or however where Rclone could come handy, so thanks for the prompt mate

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Rclone is sort of a Swiss army knife of network and Cloud utility tools. You will find uses for it I’m sure. It can copy and sync files it can create encrypted files only it’s not as fancy and there’s no iPhone client it’s strictly made for desktops.

I use it mostly to mount Cloud drives SFTP server drives and lots of other Cloud providers not supported by kryptonator by default.

You can even use the software to serve media files like video files and music files to other computers on your local network.

Very handy tool.

I provide free support on their Forum too so if you have any questions related to rclone just ask.