It would be very useful to have SFTP support on the Adroid app to use Cryptomator with generic UNIX backup services like
Hi, @saltiniroberto
I am currently and I apologize quite sluggishly putting together detailed instructions on how to use an application called RSAF available on GitHub to achieve your desired results. RSAF acts like a local document provider for your SFTP server files so that cryptometer will actually think that they’re local.
If you are a technical user you might be able to figure it out by yourself.
Rsaf is a Cloud Drive connector program for Android that provides those Cloud drives as local drives for other applications that support it and cryptomator does.
You would first create a remote to your SFTP server in the rsaf program and then point to it from cryptivator by choosing local. You need to change one of the settings in rsaf so that it advertises its connections as local.
This is not a complete set of instructions but I just wanted to make you aware and respond so that somebody did respond that there is a way to achieve what you want.
I currently have a vault on an sftp server.
I’m hoping to have detailed instructions uploaded within this week. Rest assured you can use SFTP.
Thanks @LeoW
I have not tried it yet, but I have a preliminary question.
Do you know why RSAF is not available on F-Droid?