I have the d directory and the vault recovery key but nothing else can I recover?

I have the d directory and the vault recovery key but lost the masterkey and vault.cryptomator files, can I still recover? Cryptomator version 1.6.17.

You can try this.

In your case you also have to put the d directory and the *.cryptomator files in a directory that will then represent your vault. See vault structure in lonked thread.

After I created a new vault and copied the masterkey file over, there was no vault option to “Recover Password”. However, the vault did open, but had no contents. When I ran a health check on the vault I ended up with all “LOST+FOUND” files. Both directory and file names were unreadable. I’m assuming at this point I would need an application to at least determine the file type of the base file in order to open with the right application and then open and save with the best guess as to the original file name.

As this was a migration from Boxcryptor to Cryptomator I ended up with most files being soft deleted from Google Drive. I was able to restore then decrypt the Boxcryptor encrypted files and store on a local drive.

I only lost one small directory which I believe I can rebuild.

At this point, in order to prevent a future failure, I need to do more research on the configuration of files with Cryptomator since I believe I deleted important files that are outside the vault directory that caused the failure in the first place.