I can access to my cloud provider with NextCloud but not with Cryptomator

Hello, as the title says, i can access to my cloud provider with next cloud but not with cryptomator.
The cloud service is provided from Fastweb, an italian ISP. As far as i read on the provider forum, the webdav service is bad implemented on this cloud.
As the storage is unlimited with low price i wanted to use cryptomator with it so bad.
I wonder if you can do something about it to help me.
With the iOS app of cryptomator i managed to sign into the cloud but I cant make any folder nor see one as when i click on create new vault it says password is wrong (when it s not).
Thanks in advance for the help!

Im afraid, but the android app and the iOS app connect to clouds via WebDAV (if it’s not GDrive, Dropbox, OneDrive or iCloud)


So if there’s no (stable) WebDAV Support from FastWeb, the mobile Apps won’t work for you.


Thank you for the kind answer!
Finally after many attempts and workaround i made it! As you said the nextcloud version of my isp is old and unstable, but at least i made it working! Sometimes it just gives me some errors but its ok.

Ps: if anyone needs to know how i made it, just reply to this post, i’ll make a guide for you!