How long it takes to upload files with cryptomator?

I’m using Cryptomator program with Yandex drive.
I uploaded some photos in the suggested way, but how it works exactly everything?

Uploading with Cryptomator seems actually fast. Just copy-paste.
But does it upload in the yandex cloud also so fast?
Becuase it seems that it takes longer to do that if i open yandex program.
And i received an error with yandex program after maybe 30 minutes I uploaded photos.
Sadly i clicked fast on it and i don’t remember exactly what it said… i think it was something about syncro, maybe.
How can I check if all files are stored correctly? (Since are many thousands…)

Yes, in task bar there is actually an error sayin
"Error syncing “-9aXs…” etc

Hi. As cryptomator desktop does not upload anything (because it does not connect directly to any online storages) it has no effect on upload speed. Cryptomator does create encrypted files on your system. That’s all. The sync to your online storage is done by your providers sync client.
So the upload speed is mainly influenced by
a) your internet connection
c) the storage providers internet connection
d) the sync client performance
c) the storage connection type (http, WebDAV drive, ftp,…)

As an example: I am using Cryptomator together with OneDrive, GoogleDrive and a FTP connected storage. OneDrive is super fast, and uploads instant. Google takes a view seconds to notice changes and then sync the files, and the FTP Connection is the slowest as my sync Programm needs to compare files after file with the ftp listing and the FTP connection is poor also.

Yes, I start to understand how it works.
I have only one problem now.
I have all my photos in an exeternal drive. I want use cloud storage for extra security.
So I don’t need to keep files on my system.
I want my photos not encrypted on my external HDD (that i disconnect and keep away) and online on yandex encrypted.
I don’t want to have crypted also on my system
How can I do?

Ok,i found that the solution is some software like “cyberduck”
Then I set in the yandex software the drive that cyberduck created (probably Z:) as sync folder.

But cyberduck it’s apple related and doesn’t have yandex.
RaiDrive seems to be the solution. Great interface, works well on windows and it has yandex. But it’s not free for yandex :frowning:
Someone know good free alternative?
I found AirLiveDrive. Ugly interface, but it’s free and support a lot of cloud storace, also Yandex.
Someone tried?


If your looking for a good way to “map” a drive, or folder from your computer to yandex, you can do it with the free open source program rclone. They support Win, Lin, Mac.

Then you create you Cryptomator vault on the drive/folder you created with rclone.

If you need help with rclone, I am available to assist.

“rclone config” is how you create a new remote.

For mobile phone access to yandex, on Android anyway, you can use an app called RSAF. It’s on Github. I posted a link in the Knowledge base.

If the Yankee sync client offers a file on demand Funktion line Google or onedrive, you can use this too with chryotomator to free up local space.

I saw rclone. But it’s all command line, i don’t understand anything :frowning:

Yankee sync, Funktion… What do you mean?

It seems the Yandex Cloud supports s3, so cyberduck should work fine if you set it up as per Yandex cloud docs - docs/en/storage/tools/ at master · yandex-cloud/docs · GitHub. I’ve never used Yandex, so please correct me if I am wrong :slight_smile:


Yes. it’s command line.

Go to Rclone downloads and download the 64 bit Windows zip file.
Extract to your home folder.

Run “rclone config” and create a new remote.

Be sure to choose Yandex as the remote.

Take all the defaults, leaving most everything blank.

Eventually, it will tell you the next step will launch a browser for authentication. Let it do that, and put in your credentials.

When it says done go back to the command prompt and it should say that it successfully received the login info.
Take the default to finish the remote and then press q to quit.

Type:rclone lsd remote_name: and it should list the top level directories on your cloud drive.

type: rclone mount remote_name: y: --vfs-cache-mode full

You should have drive y: pointing to your cloud drive.

Give this a try.

If you still have trouble, let me know.

If you fail, and can’t figure it out, I can demo it for you.

Thank you!
This it works great! And it’s a lot faster than AirLiveDrive.
The only “problem” is that i just copied and I didn’t understand what i did :rofl:

Does it create cache somewhere in my hardrive (like AirLiveDrive does)?

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Please make sure to have backups of everything. You would not be the first one losing all data after an experimental trip to encryption.

Of course. I will not delete my external HDD.
The online drive it’s already a way to have an extra security

The option cache-mode full will do caching during file transfers but it doesn’t store anything on your computer it just transfers data back and forth. It is there to facilitate clean file transfers back and forth to the server. I use the software every day on all my computers.

There are probably some YouTube videos on how to use rclone and there is also a companion graphical user interface program called rclone browser.

This will make things a little bit easier for you.

Feel free to ask any further questions and I will be glad to assist. I provide complimentary support for both this software program and rclone in their Community forum.

I’ve never used or heard of airlive Drive. If I find what I think is a useful tutorial on YouTube I’ll post it here so you can watch but I’m sure there are several.

Here is what’s called a beginner’s guide. I would look at a few videos and you should learn everything you need to know but you already know everything you have to know.

“Rclone selfupdate” will check their server for updates and if there’s a newer version it will automatically download and update you.

“Rclone listremotes” to see a list of all of the remotes that you have created. And in app data roaming rclone will be the config file and you can copy that file to another computer and it will automatically be configured to work you won’t need to go through the setup again.

It is not so difficult once you understand the few steps.
I’ll see the video to know more.

Sometimes i got error
ERROR: CLOUD/Syncing/YandexDisk/.sync/XXXX/tmp2/~xxxxxxxxx: Failed to copy: Put “http:/”: context canceled


ERROR: CLOUD/Syncing/YandexDisk/.sync/XXXX/~state2: Failed to copy: Get “http:/”: context canceled

What does it mean?

Well, this is my first time working with this particular cloud provider. I’m not accustomed to seeing errors like this. has a community support forum and you can post your errors along with your version information in their forum and an expert that knows more than I do will help you.

I tried to post also there.
Thank you

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I was checking, but it is saving on my hdd everything.

has everything…

What can I do for cache? Should I delete manually?

With Rclone, here are some tips.

When you mount an Rclone drive with caching enabled, the cache does not automatically go away when the drive is dismounted. The cached data remains on your local storage until it is manually cleared or until it reaches the cache size limit and older data is purged to make room for new data12.

If you want to clear the cache manually, you can do so by deleting the cache directory specified in your Rclone configuration. You can also set cache expiration times and size limits using flags like --vfs-cache-max-age and --vfs-cache-max-size to manage the cache more effectively3.