How do I change program configuration parameters?

There are various configuration parameters that can be changed to alter the default behavior of Cryptomator.

:warning: Warning: These are advanced options that should only be changed by experienced users.

Command Line Options

  • -Duser.language=en to set the interface language to en for English, de German, fr French and so forth.
  • -Duser.region=TW in combination with -Duser.language=zh to further specify the dialect
  • -Dcryptomator.settingsPath to set the path to the folder containing the settings file
  • -Dcryptomator.logPath to set the path of the file to which Cryptomator should write its log
  • -Dcryptomator.upgradeLogPath to set the path of the file to which Cryptomator should additionally write its log, when migrating a vault
  • -Dcryptomator.ipcPortPath=~/.Cryptomator/ipcPort.bin - sets where to store the file used for inter-process communication (used when attempting to start multiple Cryptomator instances)


The aforementioned command line options are stored inside C:\Program Files\Cryptomator\app\Cryptomator.cfg under [JVMOptions].


To change the options under macOS, right-click on Cryptomator and choose Show Package Contents. Then find the JVMOptions section inside of Contents/Info.plist.

Comment by @tobihagemann: We recently discovered that this will change the application’s signature. That’s why accessing saved passwords from the system keychain won’t work anymore. We might have to reconsider this.

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