Help installing KeePassXC-Plugin

Hi everyone,

I just successfully installed 1.6.1 on Android and macOS 11.6 and migrated my main Vault without any issues.

I wanted to try out the KeePassXC Plugin but I can’t get it working. I’m a pretty new macOS user thanks to M1, switched from Linux. The Library/Application Support/Cryptomator/Plugins directory was not present wherever I looked. I created it each time in different locations. Sadly the github page of the plugin didn’t specify any dependencies but I guess I need to have JRE. I installed v8 update 11 from and allowed the execution of the plugin file in the Security Options. But no new option in the dropdown menu in Cryptomator appears.

I created and placed the plugin file in

  • root-Library-Application Support …;
  • MyHomeFolder - Library…;
  • Geteilt-Library…;

I tried executing the file in the terminal with:
java -jar keepassxc-cryptomator-0.0.3.jar

That#s the error I get:
no main manifest attribute

So is there a manifest file in the *.jar missing, defining the main class?

Hey and welcome to the Cryptomator Community :slightly_smiling_face:,

Hmm I’m not on a Mac so I’m unable to test it but the home folder variant is the correct one: ~/Library/Application Support/Cryptomator/Plugins/ (full path is e.g. /Users/Joe/Library/Application Support/Cryptomator/Plugins/).

It should be enough to place the keepassxc-cryptomator-*.jar file into this Plugins folder.

Stupid question but after you copied the file into the folder you restarted Cryptomator?

yes, also the computer itself - just to be sure

Does Cryptomator create this directory? Because it wasn’t there and I created it.

17:01:58.265 [main] INFO  org.cryptomator.launcher.Cryptomator - Starting Cryptomator 1.6.1 on Mac OS X 11.5 (x86_64)
17:01:58.306 [main] INFO  org.cryptomator.ipc.Server - Spawning IPC server listening on socket /Users/sebastian/Library/Application Support/Cryptomator/ipc.socket
17:02:02.337 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  o.c.ui.launcher.FxApplicationStarter - JavaFX Runtime started.
17:02:03.112 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.c.frontend.webdav.WebDavServer - Binding server socket to localhost:42427
17:02:03.140 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started ServerConnector@5cca3fce{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{localhost:42427}
17:02:03.146 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-10.0.6; built: 2021-06-29T15:28:56.259Z; git: 37e7731b4b142a882d73974ff3bec78d621bd674; jvm 17+35-LTS
17:02:03.183 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@d20e03c{/,null,AVAILABLE}
17:02:03.184 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started Server@72f14320{STARTING}[10.0.6,sto=0] @-1ms
17:02:03.184 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.c.frontend.webdav.WebDavServer - WebDavServer started.
17:02:03.206 [App Background Thread 003] WARN  o.c.f.w.mount.MacShellScriptMounter - No write permissions on /Volumes. This should be fixed!
17:02:03.211 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.e.j.s.s.DefaultSessionIdManager - Session workerName=node0
17:02:03.215 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.a.j.w.server.AbstractWebdavServlet - authenticate-header = Basic realm="Jackrabbit Webdav Server"
17:02:03.216 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.a.j.w.server.AbstractWebdavServlet - csrf-protection = null
17:02:03.216 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.a.j.w.server.AbstractWebdavServlet - createAbsoluteURI = true
17:02:03.216 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@47c2ede1{/6gAHevgxPvbW/Dokumente,null,AVAILABLE}
17:02:03.216 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.c.f.w.s.WebDavServletController - WebDavServlet started: /6gAHevgxPvbW/Dokumente
17:02:03.264 [App Background Thread 003] INFO  o.c.f.w.s.WebDavServletController - Mounting http://localhost:42427/6gAHevgxPvbW/Dokumente using org.cryptomator.frontend.webdav.mount.MacAppleScriptMounter
17:02:03.685 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO  o.c.ui.unlock.UnlockWorkflow - Unlock of 'Dokumente' succeeded.
17:02:12.640 [App Scheduled Executor 01] INFO  o.c.common.settings.SettingsProvider - Settings saved to /Users/sebastian/Library/Application Support/Cryptomator/settings.json
17:32:58.821 [App Scheduled Executor 02] INFO  o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Stopped o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@47c2ede1{/6gAHevgxPvbW/Dokumente,null,STOPPED}
17:32:58.826 [App Scheduled Executor 02] INFO  o.c.f.w.s.WebDavServletController - WebDavServlet stopped: /6gAHevgxPvbW/Dokumente
17:32:58.826 [App Scheduled Executor 02] INFO  org.cryptomator.common.vaults.Vault - Unmounted vault 'Dokumente'
17:32:58.831 [App Scheduled Executor 02] INFO  o.c.common.vaults.AutoLocker - Autolocked Dokumente after idle timeout

Here’s my log. Only odd thing is there is no /Users/sebastian/Library/Application Support/Cryptomator/settings.json

Ok, I got it working.

The issue was the correct path. “Library” was hidden in my home folder and I didn’t know how to access it. In cryptomator you can select “show logs” which lead me to the correct path.

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