GrapheneOS unable to log in to cloud services

Hi, I am unable to log into DropBox and OneDrive cloud services while using GrapheneOS. I have tried with Vanadium and Firefox. The cloud provider web page is opened and I grant the access to Cryptomator, but when the web browser page is closed, Cryptomator shows a “No network connection” error.
Subsequent checks in DropBox and OneDrive show in fact Cryptomator was authorized, but something is happening when the browser returns the response (auth token I guess) back to Cryptomator.

Hey and welcome to the Cryptomator Community :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you please enable debug mode, reproduce the problem and send us the log file? How do I enable debug mode on Android?

Thanks for suggesting about the debug logs. I noticed in the logs that I had not enabled Network permissions for the app in GrapheneOS. All good now.

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