Google Drive option to displayed for new Vault Location

I have tried to create a new Vault in my Google Drive.
Google Drive is not detected, should I use the custom location option?
Capture d’écran 2023-07-03 à 11.27.28

Google Drive client is installed on my computer (version

Cryptomator 1.9.1
Mac OS 13.14.1 (Silicon)

Yes. If the cloud location is not displayed, then use the Custom location option.

Cryptomator currently only checks the following paths for google drive:

  • ~/GoogleDrive/My Drive
  • ~/Google Drive/My Drive
  • ~/GoogleDrive and
  • ~/Google Drive

But we have an open ticket for the new paths:

Thanks for the update.
Any help if I add my path to the the ticket?
/Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-Google Workspace Email account/Mon\ Drive

username : my mac user account name
Google Workspace Email account : email address of my Google workspace account