Google Drive and Cryptomator on MacOS Catalina

I’ve newly installed Cryptomator on my MacOS Catalina system. When I try to locate a vault, I am not being offered Google Drive (which I use). I have already installed OSX Fuse and it’s up to date. I’m trying to determine why this is the case.

I have CloudMounter which will mount the drive itself. I also have a couple other similar applications I could use for the same if I need.


Cryptomator desktop does not connect directly to a cloud storage. It always saves the encrypted files on your Lokal storage, which you then have to sync to your online storage via the storage app. In your case google backup and Sync.

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I had a similar (brief!) confusion when I first starting using Cryptomator for desktop -vs- mobile!

For Desktop, you would also need the sync client for Google Drive itself, as you are pointing Cryptomator at the local vault files themselves.

(This is the opposite of the mobile experience, where you are onboarding directly from the cloud account).

It’s easy to get confused with all the setup; even experienced folk LOL

I wonder, and this is a separate query, if you could effectively “mirror” an encrypted container to another service (reliably).