Getting Error on MacOS


I am running Crytomator 1.14.2 on both a Windows 10 Dell Laptop and a Macbook Pro M4 Max running Sequoia 15.2.

  1. I created my Cryptomator vault in my Windows machine. Put a bunch of files into my vault.
  2. I placed the encrypted Crytomator files into the Dropbox folder to get them synced to the cloud.
  3. I installed the Dropbox client and Cryptomator onto my Macbook.
  4. Once the my encrypted Cryptomater vault files were synced onto my Macbook, I attempted to open my vault by pointing Cryptomater at the vault.cryptomator file.
  5. When I do this, I get the message, “An error occurred loading the vault from disk.”
  6. FWIW, I get this error trying load with both masterkey.cryptomator as well as with vault.cryptomator.

Help, please and thank you advance!


Maybe this helps you as well.

Hi @Michael, thank you for your response. I did find that earlier post and checked my DropBox settings. I was not opted into the File Provider option. Just in case, I also verified that my Dropbox folder was still in Favorites and not in Locations and also that my Dropbox folder was still located at ~/Dropbox and not in ~/Library/CloudStorage where it would have been moved to if I was on the new File Provider option. (Reference: Expected changes with Dropbox for macOS on File Provider - Dropbox Help)