Files disappearing & Integrity Check fails

Hi there!

I recently moved from Boxcryptor to Cryptomator, and copied all my files accordingly.
Initially, the copy was perfect, i.e. all files from the original folder were included in the Cryptomator folder too.

Now, 1 month later, I did another check of the files, and noticed that multiple files disappeared from the Cryptomator folder structure.
When I try to copy the files from my archive back into the Cryptomator folder they are supposed to be in, I receive a Windows “Error 0x8007045D: I/O-Device Error”. (This only happens when trying to copy over files that disappeared. I can still write new files to the Cryptomator folder).

I continued by doing a integrity check in the Cryptomator Windows software.
Here, all 3 checks fail with the error “Check failed: Traversal of data dir failed. See log for details.”.

The underlying OneDrive is completely synced.

Does anybody know what might be the cause of the disappearing files, copying problems, and failed integrity check?

I would really appreciate your help on this! Thank you very much in advance!

The crypotmator integrity check log:

(Sadly this forum will only allow me to upload them as screenshots, due to new-member restrictions on sending links. Sorry for that.)

Hi. It would be much easier to read if you just post the content of the log file as text here.
Do you have your files local available or do you use the file on demand feature from OneDrive?
If its the latter, does having all vault files offline available make any difference?
I am asking because there’s one report with the same error message and it turned out to be a sync issue with OneDrive.

I made the effort and extracted the repeating error message from the picture:
Die im Analysepunktpuffer vorhandenen Daten sind ungültig

According to the Microsoft documentation, this error happen with OneDrive and the Files-on-demand feature. It appears, if OneDrive did not have enough time for clean up and can be solved by running chkdsk on the volume. See also

Thanks @Michael and @infeo,

Indeed it turned out to be a problem with OneDrive and the on-demand feature.
The chkdsk on my main drive worked perfectly, and my files are back safely :grinning:
Thanks to the both of you!!

Obviously I am quite worried about keepiung OneDrive in the on-demand setting now (but I need the on-demand feature as my local storage is quite limited). Are there any precautions or measures I could take to make sure Cryptomator + OneDrive work well together in the future?

I’m a little late to this thread, but have you tried configuring your Cryptomator folder in OneDrive to be available offline?

I was having similar problems in iCloud on macOS. I kept having to force download the Cryptomator vaults (the raw, encrypted files) in iCloud Drive to workaround it.

I later switched to Dropbox and had a similar problem. I enabled the “Make available offline” option for my Cryptomator folder in Dropbox on my computers and that problem went away.

You shouldn’t need to do this on mobile, though, as Cryptomator can interface directly with Dropbox. However, I’ve been considering trying a similar paradigm on my mobile devices–configure the Cryptomator folder in Dropbox to be available offline and having Cryptomator use that as a sync source.

My mobile connection is often slow and it would be nice to have my entire Cryptomator vault(s) available locally on my mobile devices, I provisioned enough space when I bought my phone just for that (I have a database application, too, that’s currently about 20GB in size and fully syncs to my phone).

I’m not sure about the reparse point issues. I only know that I was having sync issues with Cryptomator and doing this one thing seemed to solve them all. So far, anyway–time will tell as I expand my use of Cryptomator (and the size of my vaults).