I’m using the synced Google Drive folder via nautilus on Pop Os 22.04 LTS. When copying files with the decrypted vault, the files disappear instantly.
I have never used your exact configuration with pop OS although I have had bad results trying to combine Cryptomator with synchronizing software.
You’ll probably have much more stability if you simply “mount” Google drive without synchronization. I keep my vaults on the server and open them over the internet and then when I click on a file it transfers to my PC. That may not be adequate for you if your files are very large but it works well for me.
I would like a more complete solution to this.
There is an ongoing incompatibility between Cryptomator and Cloud storages integrated via Nautilus (or better GnomeVFS - Wikipedia): Unable to read/write files in vault on GVFS mounted storages (e.g. network shares, ubuntu google drive) · Issue #696 · cryptomator/cryptomator · GitHub
The workaround was to use a differnt integration app (e.g. GitHub - astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse: FUSE filesystem over Google Drive)