Error installing Cryptomator 1.15.1 on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS

Trying to install Cryptomator 1.15.1 appimage using appimagelauncher, currently have Cryptomator 1.13 installed.
If I do a “Run Once” I get “AppImageLauncher error: appimage_is_terminal_app() failed (returned -1)
execv error: No such file or directory”

If I try to integrate I’m getting this error: Failed to register AppImage in system via libappimage".

The kicker is I installed the .deb package but even though it seemed ot install and I have an executable, when I run it, it still shows as version 1.13.

At least I still have a running Cryptomator I’d appreciate any help on this.


Cryptomator 1.15.0 and onwards is not compatible with the appimage launcher anymore. For reasons see cryptomator-1.15.0-x86_64.AppImage Compatibility issues with AppImageLauncher · Issue #3717 · cryptomator/cryptomator · GitHub

Is it still only installing 1.13.0? You might need to update apt or prune the apt cache.

Well, I removed appimage launcher completely. Then ran the appimage and pinned it to the dash and everything is good.
A little research indicates that the launcher is no longer compatible with a lot of things and I just noticed it because I recently updated Ubuntu.
From now on I’ll skip all of the middle men.